Monday, September 17, 2012

Dark as the night
I am streching up, getting bigger, getting high on you
I look through the window while my city smiles back at me
She is looking at me. I just do not know how to react
Her beauty involves me and triggers my blessed soul
Will she always be there for me?
The smell of popcorn wakes me up, brings me back to this dance
She is there and she is all for me
You had possessd my heart, my crazyness, myself
I do not ever want to wake up again
This dream I will follow  and I will walk through this path of emotions holding your hand 
Only if you allow me to follow you even if it is dark as the night.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Prost to that

Photo by: CHINASKI P.
Am I going up or down? Hard answer for such an easy question... Where is the road I am stepping on? You helped the wind with the erosion of the road. Some people dont know what to say at all.. This passion is trying to buy me a scotch. But wait while I am getting high inside the solid cold. Do they call you coffee because you grind so fine? I listened at the voice pumping the mind volume ,then climbed your wall and appreciate the falling drops. I see the valley of the orange kingdom. It opens the cracking wooden doors for me to fall asleep tonight. I stumble, fall, crawl, I cry, I sing you a song while the rest remain sick on the dream.
aFTER ALL we All have is now, but probably tomorrow......

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Like A Rabid Writter.... TYPING TYPING.....oasihfoasdhcschschscnss........ There I was sitting on the old sofa inside my imagination... A Sip of RED WINE and then SPITTing my own toughts out from my head. Here I was ( Breathing sounds) inside my winter mood. It was ready to GO, taking the flight to LEAVE the soul behind.
Now I am getting ready for the summer waste of my life.... One or two more snow-ice falling storms to let the seasson run away as a fugitive. DESTINATION: OUR OWN DAMN ego waterfalls.... R E S T A R T S E S S I O N...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Long Play

I remember I was sitting next to the corner. There were a bunch of strangers passing by. One sip of german liquor and my mouth kept an herbal taste like flowers.. like grass.. I was the green life swallower. The music was loud, the strangers were quiet. Some were crawling into the streets like busy zombies trying to get fresh blood from everybody else. Some others addicted to the compulsives law shows. I did not care about that for a while I had a date with my bottle and was afraid of screwing it all. I dont remember how or when exactly. I was just feeling small in this big big land. No braining or thinking.... White! Black?.. my mind was set up with different colors and I was a real thing in the middle of the zoo. I felt I was breaking up with all this misery for my own damn sake. Then the thinking and the braining reapeared : I have been good to you and bad and happy and smiley and had the party mood.. mmm well.. sometimes I cried and hit as an important part of my humanistic ritual cliches.

Its time to turn the long play and keep on listening to old and new tunes....

Monday, January 19, 2009


yes or no?...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Desperte una manana

Abri los ojos y senti el calor de la manana por un momento
Me asome por la ventana: estaba nublado y lloviendo, habia un poco de viento
Talle mis ojos para tratar de calentarlos y poder apreciar lo que me rodeaba
Nada importba ahora mas que el sentimiento de que tengo que ir al bano...

No hay nada mejor que tomar agua directamente del grifo... y al verme al espejo intento pensar en lo que hay que hacer...
Todo lo que deje atras para estar aqui parada en este momento! y todo lo que vendra despues de mirarme al espejo!....
Camino lentamente hacia la cocina y la ciudad me saluda con su espectacular vista al cruzar el pasillo. Cierro los ojos para intentar recuperarme de la intensa luz que me rodea...
Otro mundo, otra vida, otro intento, otro encuentro conmigo...
Nada importa, solo que desperte una manana...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Final Stage

"If you're hopelessly depressed like I was, then dressing up is just the ultimate escape. When I was young I just wanted to be noticed. Nothing could excite me except attention so I'd dress up as much as I could. Outrage and boredom just go hand in hand " ... "Gets to a point where you really can’t operate any more as a human being – you can’t get out of bed, you can’t…make yourself a cup of coffee without something going badly wrong or your body’s too weak to walk.... ( Richey Edwards - Manic Street Preachers Ex Guitarist-)
"When you're a suicider, you not only kill yourself, you kill the people behind you, your parents, your friends, something in them dies too" A good friend pasted me this conversation via msn as a warning. If i think about commiting suicide I have to deal with the fucking idea that I´ll be leaving this world with a heavy load thinking that whoever writted this shit may be right. Im just wasting time and space in this viceral world trying to keep on track with the rest of the working zombies called humans. How to be dead? It reminds me of a song SP song tittle but it makes me think how to do it? Should I get a loaded gun? What about a bunch of pills? Naaaa I´d problably be somehow helping the " clichés" getting strong. I dunno want to be guilty and murdered for the price of commiting a cheap and meditated suicide! What about some music playing on the back of your plans? Interpol, The Beatles, and my INDIE favs bands playing just for me in that special moment. What a thing to do! It is like a big celebration! People should make a suididal parade! Now here comes the fall and I am wrestling with my deepest fears that doesnt know how to prepare me to leave this fucking life.
She swears Im a psycho, Im a weirdo, I do not know how to handle this energy packet. I have an answer fo u all people that thinks I can become what you imagine I could be or shall be. Let me put my life in my hands and forget about the rest, after all we all have whats called good will.